Content and Affiliate Disclosure

I’ve had several successful careers spanning more than 60 years.  Trying to stay retired and being involved creates its own special conflicts.  But with help from a good partner, a positive attitude and good health, I’ve had a successful retirement. 

I want to provide information that will help people, especially retirees,  that may help fix some of the problems that have that follow them.  Any information I post here is something that I or my wife have used, done or I have personal knowledge about. 

There is a lot of free stuff here.  All the posts and most of the content are my own creation.  I’ve also edited some of the  e-books to provide good information and tips that may be useful in solving a wide range of problems. 

That being said,  I must also tell you that there may be some affiliate links on this website and in some of the posts.  That means if you click on a link and buy something after following the link, I may get a commission for the sale.  If you have a problem with that, then please, just take the free stuff and enjoy it.

Content Disclaimer

There are links on this web site that, if you click them to buy a service or product I recommend, I may get an affiliate commission for it. This means that, instead of the company getting all the money you spend on them, they’ll share a little bit of that with me. You’ll pay the same amount, but I’ll get credit for referring you.

This really bothers some people and for some reason they would rather not click on affiliate links.

What to do

If you object to me earning money from some of the links and feel the need, here’s what you do:

Because I come right out and tell you the name of the product or service (notice I don’t try to hide it’s identity from you), instead of clicking on the link I provide you simply open up a new browser window and type in the name of the company or product in Google or some other search engine. One of the first sites to pop up will be the company web site and you can then buy directly from them.

The reason I bring this up at all is because some people have an aversion to affiliate links, and if they know that a link is an affiliate link they don’t want to click it and allow that person to get the referral credit.

Information and content provided websites owned by M&D Crum, LLC is presented for educational and informational purposes only. The content is my opinion and is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice and is definitely not intended to treat or prevent any medical condition.

M&D Crum, LLC is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness, suitability, useability or validity of any information on this site or links provided on this site and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use.

All information is provided on an as-is basis and reader/user discretion is advised before making any decisions based on the information from this site. No compensation will be awarded for any loss, inconvenience and/or damage from information obtained from this site.

Opinions and viewpoints expressed on this website are those of the author and is not offered as professional advice. Any information on websites linked to a website owned by M&D Crum, LLC is the property of the linked website. The link is not an endorsement or testimonial for the information provided on the linked website.

Trademarked names, logos and other proprietary information quoted on this site are property of respective companies/owners and are mentioned here for reference purposes only.

Precautions have been taken to protect third party identities. If you see content on this site that belongs to you and wish to have it removed, please send your request to and we will immediately remove it.

Disclosure of Material Connection: Some of the links used on this website are “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, I only recommend products or services that I have personal knowledge of or that I use personally and believe will provide value to my readers.

If you have an objection to affiliate links (and some people do), then by all means, don’t click on the link.

I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials”.  You can get more information here: 16 CFR, Part 255: